Saturday, July 09, 2005

I imagined myself as a contestant in a beauty pageant, or in a more realistic scenario, being interviewed by Oprah Winfrey. *conceited*

Although my hobby can't considerably be connoted as a talent, this work has me infused in it. The questions will be found at [try it!]

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Got the link from Tin of TINISMS. [refer to my links]

It's pretty hard, nevertheless enjoyable doing this.

It's nice to answer questions by using your own work.

Basta all I did was to be honest. And the outcome? A satisfying piece I appreciate not because I see it aesthetically satisfying, but for the reason of its genuine meaning.

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Myrrh on 2:49 AM

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

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Myrrh on 12:41 AM